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Daily Care for Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are a tool that provides children and adults alike with an opportunity to hear better. That being said, it’s critical that they are taken care of on a daily basis and as needed. In today’s blog post we’re going to touch on a few of the things that you should be doing daily to ensure that your hearing aids are working as intended. Check the Batteries The first thing that we’re going to mention is quick and easy — check the batteries. The batteries of your hearing aids should last roughly 1 to 2 weeks, and your hearing a....

Helping Your Child Adjust to Hearing Aids

For many children, asking them to wear their hearing aids every day is like asking them to do their homework each night. Saying it’s a struggle is an understatement. Even if they realize that they can hear better with them, the piece itself can cause feelings of self-consciousness, making it hard for them to want to wear them. But as their parent, you know it’s necessary and that it will only take time to really get used to wearing them. At Platinum Hearing Aids, our expert audiologists want everyone to feel comfortable in their hearing ....