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Why Hearing Loss Occurs

Hearing is a very complex and intricate process requiring three sections of the ear to work together to produce sound. If there is damage to any part of the process, hearing problems can begin to occur which may result in the need for a hearing aid. There are many things that can cause hearing loss including: Inner Ear Damage – Aging and being exposed to loud noises over a long period of time can cause inner ear damage wherein the hairs or nerve cells in the cochlea wear down to negatively affect the hearing. Buildup of Earwax – Over ....

How Loud Noises Affect Your Hearing Permanently

Nearly 10 percent of all Americans have some degree of hearing loss that affects their ability to understand normal speech. While aging is the most common cause of hearing loss, exposure to excessive & loud noises can also result in diminished hearing. This is why the experts at Platinum Hearing Aids recommend avoiding extremely loud sounds as doing so can protect your hearing. The nerve endings present in the inner ear can become damaged when exposed to excessively loud sound. If loud noises are consistently heard, these nerve endings c....