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Audiologist Detroit: 5 Questions To Ask Your Audiologist
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5 Questions to Ask Your Audiologist About Hearing Loss

picture of person holding hearing aids offered by platinum hearing aids in detroit

Experiencing hearing loss can be overwhelming, frightening, and frustrating. You may experience a wide range of emotions and go through different stages of the grief process. Navigating this new normal doesn’t have to be debilitating, though. An audiologist can help you determine your needs and come up with a hearing solution that matches your lifestyle. From hearing loss treatments to hearing aids and more, Platinum Hearing Aids is here to help.  If you’re just starting the process and are meeting with an audiologist for the first time, then don’t worry! It is their job to help people on their hearing loss journey and you have nothing to be afraid of. Keep reading to learn some good preliminary questions to ask your audiologist during your first visit, and then contact Platinum Hearing Aids today to schedule an appointment.

What is my current hearing? Are both ears the same?

Sure, you may know you need the TV turned up or feel stressed during group events when you can’t follow the conversation. While these are practical, real-life applications to be aware of, an audiologist can provide more details about what your current level of hearing is.

What type of hearing loss do I have?

Next, ask your audiologist about the type of hearing loss you experience. There are three different types of hearing loss:
  • Sensorineural hearing loss: Occurs when there is damage to the inner ear or to the nerve pathways between the inner ear and the brain; often permanent
  • Conductive hearing loss: Occurs when sound doesn’t travel effectively from the outer ear canal to the eardrum; often due to a blockage and is temporary
  • Mixed hearing loss: Occurs when a person experiences a mix of sensorineural and conductive hearing loss

Is there anything I can do to prevent further hearing loss?

Now is the time for action. Yes, you’re more than willing to consider hearing aids. But if there are steps you can take now to prevent future damage, then you should take them. We recommend the H.E.A.R. strategy: 
  • Hold yourself accountable
  • Evaluate your surroundings
  • Avoid the noise
  • Remember protection

What will happen if we do nothing? 

For whatever reason, you may not be interested in a hearing loss treatment or hearing aids at this time. Talk to your audiologist about possible worst-case scenarios and find out what your future will look like — and sound like — without immediate action.

What are my hearing loss treatment or assistance options?

Ultimately, this is what you want to find out from your audiologist: What’s my plan? How are we moving forward? Here at Platinum Hearing Aids, our team of audiologists and hearing specialists will work hard with you to come up with a personalized hearing solution that meets your hearing needs and your lifestyle. 

Meet With an Audiologist in Detroit Today

Our hearing clinic is here for you. Get back to enjoying family dinners, listening to the sounds of nature, and living life out loud. Contact us today to meet with an audiologist in Detroit.