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How to Take Care of Your Hearing Aids
Hearing aids are more than an assistance device for Dr. Pinnock. After helping patients in and around Dearborn, Southfield, and the greater Detroit area with their hearing loss for the past 30 years, we believe become a part of our patients. Hearing aids allow our patients who come into our Southfield audiologist’s office to get something they once had or might of never had, the gift of sound. Since this gift is something so special to our patients and us, it is important to take care of your hearing aids so they last as long as possible. Our doctors will give you detailed instructions on hearing aid care when you first receive them, but here are some reminders and added tips on hearing aid care. Perform Listening Checks Daily Just like....
How to Maintain Quality Hearing
Like most of your senses, once you lose your hearing or your hearing is damaged, it’s gone for good. Hearing loss can occur all at once or slowly over time. Sometimes hearing loss is so gradual people don’t realize they’re going deaf until it’s too late. While not all hearing loss is preventable, there are some precautions you can take to help prevent hearing loss from trauma. Get Your Hearing Checked Regularly Hearing loss usually develops gradually and is hard to miss if you aren’t getting your hearing checked regularly. Catching hearing loss early will allow you and your audiologist in Southfield to determine what steps should be taken to help slow down your hearing loss. Platinum Hearing Aids in Southfield and Allen Park Rec....