Tag Archives: Hearing Devices

FAQ About Hearing Aids

From a new car to new shoes to new hearing aids, it takes time to adjust to newness. So, if you have been experiencing issues with hearing loss and have decided it’s time to be fitted for hearing aids, there’s no doubt that you have a lot of questions.

After years of being fine, being able to have a conversation with your family or coworkers without having to constantly ask “what?” all the time, and then needing to put on hearing aids each morning, this can be incredibly frustrating. But with the team of audiologists at Platinum Hearing Aids, you can be confident that you’re getting doctors who are experienced and knowledgeable. When you schedule an appointment with us, there’s no need to worry about asking the wrong questions, because if you are concerned about something, so are we.


Here are some of the most common questions we get when we fit someone with hearing aids for the first time.

Are They Difficult to Maintain?


Overall, hearing aids are not too difficult to maintain; however, there are a few things that everyone should be aware of:

  • Place the aids back in their case when you’re not wearing them. The aids are often very small and can be easy to lose.
  • To help the batteries last as long as possible, open the battery door at night.
  • The most important thing you can do to maintain your hearing aids is to clean them often. A buildup of moisture and earwax are the biggest reasons for hearing aid repairs, so using a cleaning and drying kit will help kill germs and bacteria and remove moisture.

What is an Ear Impression?

Platinum Hearing Aids wants to ensure that your aids are as comfortable as possible. So to ensure a comfortable fit, we create an ear impression, which is made from a silicon-based material. The material is placed into your ear and sits there for a few minutes while it hardens to the shape of your ear. With an impression of the exact shape of your ear or ear canal, in-the-ear, completely-in-the-canal, or custom-fit hearing aids will have a more natural feel.


How Long Do Hearing Aids Last?

When your hearing aids are taken care of correctly and are maintained frequently, the devices can last between three and five years. If you ever notice a change in how they fit or if you notice that they aren’t working as well as before, schedule an appointment with an audiologist. You may need to be refitted or your hearing may have changed enough so that you need new aids.

FAQ About Hearing Aids

How Long Does it Take to Adjust?

Each person is different, so the time it takes to adjust to wearing the hearing aids will vary, especially depending on the severity of the hearing loss.

Adjusting to hearing aids isn’t just about the feel of them in your, but also about training and adjusting your brain. When someone develops hearing loss, the auditory cortex of the brain adjusts, which translates noise into recognizable sound. When hearing aids are introduced, it takes time for the brain to adjust to the level of noise it’s receiving.

Again, if you have any questions about your new hearing aids, don’t hesitate to ask your audiologist.

Platinum Hearing Aids provides quality service to the Detroit area. We have two locations, in Allen Park and Southfield, and we look forward to helping you improve your hearing.

Helping Your Loved One Accept Hearing Aids As A Solution

Hearing aids are truly a miraculous solution for those who suffer from hearing loss. With the simple help of an audiologist at our Detroit hearing aid center, a device can be perfectly fitted to an individual’s needs, providing them with a new ability to hear more clearly. Unfortunately, for many people, the idea of wearing a hearing aid comes with a certain stigma. Perhaps you have a loved one who is struggling with their hearing but they refuse to consider a hearing aid for fear of what other people will think. You know that wearing a hearing aid would help them enjoy life more fully, but you aren’t sure how to help them see that there is nothing to be ashamed of when wearing a hearing aid.

If this is the situation you are facing, check out these tips for helping your loved one accept a hearing aid as a viable solution and to overcome the stigmas they see attached to this wonderful technological advancement.

#1: Talk About Modern Hearing Aids

One of the first ways you can tackle a fear of wearing a hearing aid is to introduce your loved one to the modern world of hearing aids. Perhaps they are imagining the bulky and cumbersome hearing aids of old.

The good news is that as technology has advanced, so have hearing aids. Today, hearing aids are customized to fit perfectly and are virtually unnoticeable. In most situations, no one will even be able to tell that your loved one is wearing the hearing aid.

#2: Listen To Their Concerns

If your loved one is hesitant to see an audiologist for a hearing assessment, take some time to understand why. Are they worried about a diagnosis that is bleak? Are they concerned about looking old? Everyone has their own reasoning for why they are holding back. It is important to take the time to understand what is at the root of the issue so that you can better help your loved one overcome these hesitations.

#3: Be Supportive

At the end of the day, the best way you can help your loved one overcome hearing loss is by being extremely supportive. Talk to them about the options that are available and assist them as they look through their choices. Be there to process with them the changes they might need to make and offer them your unending support no matter what they decide to do.

#4: Talk About How It Will Improve Their Quality Of Life

Finally, if your loved one starts to consider hearing aids and is becoming more open to the idea, spend some time discussing the ways their quality of life will improve. Perhaps when you go out with friends, they are often left sitting alone unable to follow the conversation due to poor hearing. Point out how they will once again be able to partake in group conversations. Maybe they often feel embarrassed because they can’t track with what you or someone else is saying. Discuss how great it will feel for them to be in the loop again.

With the advent of modern technology, hearing aids truly do offer a wonderful gift to many. Stop by our Detroit office today to meet with an audiologist and to learn more about the possibility of hearing aids for your loved one.