Tag Archives: Hearing Loss Treatment

Helping Your Loved One Accept Hearing Aids As A Solution

Hearing aids are truly a miraculous solution for those who suffer from hearing loss. With the simple help of an audiologist at our Detroit hearing aid center, a device can be perfectly fitted to an individual’s needs, providing them with a new ability to hear more clearly. Unfortunately, for many people, the idea of wearing a hearing aid comes with a certain stigma. Perhaps you have a loved one who is struggling with their hearing but they refuse to consider a hearing aid for fear of what other people will think. You know that wearing a hearing aid would help them enjoy life more fully, but you aren’t sure how to help them see that there is nothing to be ashamed of when wearing a hearing aid.

If this is the situation you are facing, check out these tips for helping your loved one accept a hearing aid as a viable solution and to overcome the stigmas they see attached to this wonderful technological advancement.

#1: Talk About Modern Hearing Aids

One of the first ways you can tackle a fear of wearing a hearing aid is to introduce your loved one to the modern world of hearing aids. Perhaps they are imagining the bulky and cumbersome hearing aids of old.

The good news is that as technology has advanced, so have hearing aids. Today, hearing aids are customized to fit perfectly and are virtually unnoticeable. In most situations, no one will even be able to tell that your loved one is wearing the hearing aid.

#2: Listen To Their Concerns

If your loved one is hesitant to see an audiologist for a hearing assessment, take some time to understand why. Are they worried about a diagnosis that is bleak? Are they concerned about looking old? Everyone has their own reasoning for why they are holding back. It is important to take the time to understand what is at the root of the issue so that you can better help your loved one overcome these hesitations.

#3: Be Supportive

At the end of the day, the best way you can help your loved one overcome hearing loss is by being extremely supportive. Talk to them about the options that are available and assist them as they look through their choices. Be there to process with them the changes they might need to make and offer them your unending support no matter what they decide to do.

#4: Talk About How It Will Improve Their Quality Of Life

Finally, if your loved one starts to consider hearing aids and is becoming more open to the idea, spend some time discussing the ways their quality of life will improve. Perhaps when you go out with friends, they are often left sitting alone unable to follow the conversation due to poor hearing. Point out how they will once again be able to partake in group conversations. Maybe they often feel embarrassed because they can’t track with what you or someone else is saying. Discuss how great it will feel for them to be in the loop again.

With the advent of modern technology, hearing aids truly do offer a wonderful gift to many. Stop by our Detroit office today to meet with an audiologist and to learn more about the possibility of hearing aids for your loved one.

How to Manage Your Tinnitus

According to the American Tinnitus Association, around 15 percent of people in the U.S. live with some form of tinnitus. The constant ringing in the ears can have emotional effects, cause poor sleep, and can make it difficult to concentrate. It’s more than just annoying and frustrating. So how do people with severe, or even mild tinnitus manage and live a quality life?

Avoid Stress

As you’re probably aware, tinnitus can result in a lot of stress. And because there is no cure for tinnitus, it can be difficult to avoid the stress that comes from the ringing. Stress from the tinnitus can actually make the ringing worse, so try to relax as much as possible. Try activities like yoga, meditation, or breathing exercises. Simple exercises like a walk may also help relieve some stress.

Background Noise

It might not sound like a good idea, but turning on some music or other sorts of noise can help you focus on something other than the ringing. If you’re trying to sleep at night, consider using a white noise machine or turning on some instrumental music. Sounds or music can help distract you from the tinnitus.

Stay Healthy

Get into a habit of eating healthy and exercising often. Stimulants, such as alcoholic drinks, coffee, tea, and soda can make the tinnitus worse. Try to also reduce the amount of salt in your diet. Exercise can have multiple benefits, including reduced stress and an increase in blood circulation. Increased blood circulation can help as some cases of tinnitus are associated with low blood supply to the ear.

Protect Your Hearing

Many people with hearing loss also experience tinnitus, so it’s important to protect your hearing in the first place. The best ways to protect your hearing are to wear earplugs in noisy or loud environments and wear noise-canceling headphones.

Tinnitus Masker

These devices are similar to hearing aids and produce a white noise in order to mask the ringing. The device is worn around or in the ear like a hearing aid and can be personalized to fit the users needs.

Prop Your Head

At night, try using an extra pillow to prop your head up. This will help reduce head congestion, making the ringing less noticeable. Even though it can be difficult, getting a regular night’s sleep can also help reduce the ringing.

Visit Platinum Hearing Aids

Platinum Hearing Aids in Detroit has a team of audiologists, otolaryngologist, and hearing aid specialists who want to help you live a higher quality life. We know that living with a constant ringing in your ear can be incredibly hard, but with the right tools and advice from the experts, you can begin managing your life with tinnitus. Over time, you can learn how to ignore the noise.

For some cases, the noise is caused by something that we can identify through X-rays, balance evaluations, and laboratory work. If this is the case for you, there is hope of eliminating the ringing. All it takes is a quick visit.

Schedule an appointment at Platinum Hearing Aids and talk with an expert about your tinnitus today.