Tag Archives: Hearing Aid Devices

Helping Your Child Adjust to Hearing Aids

For many children, asking them to wear their hearing aids every day is like asking them to do their homework each night. Saying it’s a struggle is an understatement. Even if they realize that they can hear better with them, the piece itself can cause feelings of self-consciousness, making it hard for them to want to wear them. But as their parent, you know it’s necessary and that it will only take time to really get used to wearing them.

At Platinum Hearing Aids, our expert audiologists want everyone to feel comfortable in their hearing aids — including infants and children. Here are some tips to help them feel comfortable and to take ownership of their responsibility.

Hearing Aids Detroit

Start Slow

When hearing aids are first fitted, it’s ok to start slowly with times that are dedicated to wearing them and certain times when it’s ok to not wear them. When your child goes to school, over to a friend’s house, or at the dinner table, these are times when it should be required that they wear the devices. When they are doing their homework or playing a video game, this is when it’s ok to let them have a break. Keep in mind though, that these times should be limited, especially if they are playing a video game for hours on end.

Make it Fun

Children love to be challenged and rewarded. If your child makes it a whole day wearing their hearing aid, give them a special treat after dinner. If they kept their hearing aids on during a designated break time, let them know that you are proud of them! A reward for wearing their hearing aids doesn’t always have to be an extra hour of play time or an extra scoop of ice cream. Simply letting them know that you love them regardless of their hearing loss may be all they need.

Make it Stylish

One of the biggest challenges for school-age children who wear hearing aids is the fact that they’re different. Some kids may accept that being different is cool, but for those who don’t, it can be stressful going to school. Take your child shopping for hats, headbands, or colorful hair clips that may help ease some of the self-conscious feelings. But remind them that just because the aids are hidden, doesn’t make the hearing loss go away.

Hearing Aids Detroit

Take Ownership

As your child grows older, they will realize that their hearing is their responsibility. Consider working with an audiologist who has full faith in your child’s ability to lead a normal life, doing the activities they love, and playing like other kids. With each visit, your doctor will begin to ask your child questions instead of directing them at you, the parent. This will increase their sense of responsibility and ownership.

Some children have a harder time adjusting to their hearing aids, so it’s ok if they don’t love wearing them right away. The key is to remain consistent and give them regular motivation and encouragement to keep trying. They may not realize just how much their lives will improve if they keep up the effort of wearing their aids consistently.

If you’re looking for a compassionate and experienced audiologist in the Detroit area, schedule an appointment with Platinum Hearing Aids. We’ll be there throughout your journey.

Signs That You Need to See an Audiologist

Whether you’re 20 years old or 60, having a conversation about your hearing is challenging and can be emotional as well. But if you have noticed that you’re having difficulty hearing, it’s a conversation that must take place. But what if you aren’t sure whether you’re developing hearing loss or not? Because it can happen gradually over time, it may not be a sudden change that you notice right away. At Platinum Hearing Aids, we want to help educate our patients about all things hearing, including the signs that you need to come visit our Detroit office. After an initial hearing test, if we find that you would benefit from hearing aids, we’ll take great care of you and your hearing.

Signs You Need to See an Audiologist


It may feel like people are jumbling their words a bit more often than before, or that restaurants are getting more and more noisy so it’s harder to hear people now. However, it may be more likely that everyone is talking the same and there is a hearing problem developing. If you are consistently having to ask people to repeat themselves, or if it seems like people have begun to mumble more than usual, it may be time for a hearing test.

Last to Laugh

Do you have a friend who is always telling jokes? Even when the punchline is easy to understand, if it still takes you a minute to fully comprehend the joke, this could be a sign of hearing loss. Similar to reading, your brain can fill in letters and words here and there because overall it will understand the concept even if you skip over some of the smaller words. When you’re listening to a story or a joke, you may miss a word or two here and there, but it will take longer for your brain to make the connection.

Avoiding a Noisy Restaurant

Or any environment that you’ve had difficulty holding a conversation in, for that matter. Many people recognize that restaurants, concerts, or even shopping malls can be challenging places in which to have a conversation, but it’s when you have a hard time hearing or understanding what people are saying because of just a moderate noise level is when it’s time to see an audiologist.

Turning up the Volume

If everyone in your household is complaining about the sound on the TV being too loud, but you’re still having a hard time hearing what characters are saying, you may need hearing aids. Or if you have complained about the sound quality and everyone else thinks it’s fine, you could be developing a hearing problem. A visit to your audiologist for a quick test will determine whether or not you need hearing aids.

Ringing in Your Ears

Did you, or do you, go to noisy concerts? If you’re experiencing a ringing in your ears due to being exposed to loud noises over time, this could be a sign of a more serious problem called tinnitus.

If you have experienced one or more of these, give our Detroit office a call today. Our audiologists are passionate about finding a hearing aid solution that is right for you. Schedule an appointment today with a caring and professional doctor.